Parallel event
This photo competition invites visitors to create a unique keepsake from OHT 2023, their personal map, by collecting stamps at the buildings they visit! Visitors can get the map along with the printed program (from the info point and selected program buildings) and by completing their visits at buildings, post a photo of their map on instagram tagging @openhousethessaloniki and following @kleemannlifts, @fujifilmhellas. A public profile setting is required for the post to be visible.
Our favorite map wins an instax mini 12 by Fujifilm Hellas!
The prize and more information on how to participate in the competition are announced every year in mid-November.
Event sponsor: KLEEMANN
photo: Olga Strevina
- Content photo competition
- Date 23 November - 1 December 2024
- Place instagram (public profile)
- Participate tag @openhousethessaloniki, follow @fujifilmhellas